Monday, January 4, 2010

Hello 2010

If I would have known 10 years ago what I know today...

10 years ago, I had plans. I had been out of college less than a year. I was single. I was teaching. I had 2 dogs and no kids. I drove my little Ford Ranger and not an SUV. I lived in a duplex and not a house. I had a roommate and not a husband.

It's crazy how one person can change your entire life. In my case, it was 3 people.

9 years ago, I met this guy. I thought he was pretty cute. I thought he was pretty funny. I thought he was really sweet. He was divorced and had two little girls who were just 4 and 2. I thought they were pretty cute too. I had no idea when I met him what would happen, but I had a pretty good idea. I fell for this guy. I fell for his girls.

6 1/2 years ago, I had a wedding. I now had a husband. I now had two little girls. (And lucky me, through gaining a husband and two little girls, I gained his ex-wife, their mom, and all the drama that she has been dishing out since.) But, I also gained great in-laws. I had a great job. I had a home. I had a family.

4 1/2 years ago, I had a baby. I had never been so happy and so scared at the same time. I had never been so tired. I had never given so much love.

19 months ago, I had another baby. I was so happy again and not as scared this time. I had never been so tired. I never thought I could love another baby as much as I loved the first, but it was amazing how it happened instantly.

18 months ago, my husband found out he might possibly have a life-threatening disease. I had never been so scared in my entire life. I had never prayed so hard in my entire life. I had never cried so much in my entire life.

16 months ago, my husband started his own business. I had never been so happy and so scared at the same time (well not since the first baby). I was terrified because we still didn't know where my husband's health stood. We both took a leap of faith.

1 year ago, we found out my husband was ok. He didn't have any horrible health problems. I had never been so relieved in my entire life.

2 hours ago, as I was trying to cook dinner, both my boys were screaming, yelling, crying and driving me completely insane.

1 hour ago, I was trying to fold laundry with two little boys right in my way.

I asked, "Why is it that every time Mommy tries to do anything, I find two little boys right on top of me, bugging me and never letting me accomplish anything?"

Big Brother said, "Because we love you."

...I'd do it all over again.

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